Monday, April 23, 2007

Its National TV-Turnoff week!

Celebrate TV-Turnoff Week at the library!

"Television is a chewing gum for the eyes" -Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, April 19, 2007

And the Winner Is....

Katy (whose favorite book is Eragon) won the 1st prize! $10 movie cash for Eagles Theater!
The next name drawn was Cutter (The Book Thief), followed by Elizabeth (Artemis Fowl), and Levi (Eldest).
Thanks to everyone for letting us know your favorite book in the favorite book drawing!

Congratulations Katy, Cutter, Elizabeth, and Levi!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

FINE FREE WEEK -April 16-21!

Do you have a library fine that you haven't been able to pay off? In celebration of National Library Week you can get your entire fine erased for one dollar! Bring in a dollar April 16-21 to become fine free!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Check out these new YA books! Plus many more!

Darkhenge by Catherine Fisher

Rob's little sister, Chloe, has been in a coma for three months, and he gets a new job to keep his mind off his family. At his new job he discovers an ancient tree that grows upside down and leads to a kingdom called Unworld. Here, he finds his sister, Chloe, who is happy and healthy and does not want to return to her old life.

love, cajun style by Diane Les Becquets

This is a funny story, of friendship and romance, about Lucy and her two best friends who each find love, not exactly where they expected!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Mother-Daughter Book Discussion on April 24th

Please join us on Tuesday, April 24 at 6:30 pm for discussion, snacks, and lots of fun. Pre-register at the circulation desk and pick up a copy of the book So B. It for only $4.00! This activity is for girls in 6th grade and up.

Celebrate Teen Literature Day on April 19th

What is your favorite book? Let us know and you will be eligible to win exciting prizes! Fill out an entry form and slip it in the box that is located in the Young Adult section of the library. The drawing will be held on April 19th to celebrate Teen Literature Day.